Monday, March 2, 2009

So I found a photograph of a street scene I took in Italy (it may not be Joyce's Dublin, but it has that Euro feel). I was able to convert the photo into text, with three tones (highlights, mid tones and shadows)- don't ask how i did this, because honestly I was playing around in photo shop for hours and I'm not sure if I could do it again ha ha. (It's on the post below, my computer was acting funny and wouldn't allow me to type and write in the same post).

Anyway, from afar you can make out the street scene, and when you get close up you can read Joyce's words (I chose a bunch of Bloom's lines from the Circe episode). The image is a bit confusing to the eye, but Ulysses is an extremely confusing text, intentionally written that way.

I definitely want the image to be printed big, but I haven't decided what color yet. The scene takes place at night "Night Town", Dublin's red light district. Maybe I should keep it in black, grey and white? There are only three different tones in the digital image. Should I add a color? a deep red for the shadow?


  1. I feel like at least one color would be nice. I know when I walk around newark as night, see three particular colors: a deep dark green, a dark cool blue (that each become darker and darker till they're black) and the warm orange from the street lamps. I don't know how Dublin is at night. What does James Joyce say? I've always been just too damn intimidated to pick up that book. Your idea is awesome.


    Check out this site. It makes converting image to text very easy.

  3. I tried out that website and it worked really well, but the only problem was that it didn't allow me to choose what the text said. Do you know any any way to convert (with color) and choose the text?

  4. i really like your idea and the image. I agree that you should definitely play around with color because it could evoke a lot of emotion - im not sure what your selected text is about, but i think the content could help you decide which way to go with the color.
